Mideast/Camp David Peace petition
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2000 16:47:34 -0400 (EDT)
Dear All,
As I'm sure most of you are aware, though it had appeared last
night (7/19) that the Mideast Peace talks taking place in Camp David
between Israelis and Palestinians had concluded without any agreement,
the talks in fact are continuing. A peace agreement, one that recognizes
powerful claims of justice and will enable all people in the region to
live with their dignity intact and restored, might yet emerge from Camp
David in the coming days.
Yitzhak Rabin, speaking from the White House lawn nearly seven
years ago when the peace process with the Palestinians began, said:
"We, like you, are people, people who want to build a home, to plant a
tree, to love, to live side by side with you in dignity, in empathy, as
human beings, as free men. We are today giving peace a chance, and saying
again to you: Enough. Let us pray that a day will come when we all will
say: Farewell to the arms."
Below is a petition in support of the peace process. The petition
asks that every 30th person forward Prime Minister Barak the petition.
The Prime Minister's e-mail address is pm@pmo.gov.il
(or barak@pmo.gov.il
-- it might be safest to send to both addresses).
However, given the time constraints -- the talks may be over by the
time 30 people have signed the petition -- I encourage you, in addition
(or instead of) the petition to send the Prime Minister a short note. You
might express your support for the peace process and your hope that he
will be able to reach an agreement with Chairman Arafat at Camp David.
It cannot hurt, and maybe it can help, if during one of Prime Minister
Barak's phone calls home, the Prime Minister is informed that he is
receiving many messages supporting the quest for peace.
As Shir LaShalom, The Song for Peace, the song that Yitzhak
Rabin, Shimon Peres and others who loved peace sang the night Prime
Minister Rabin was assassinated, says: "Don't say the day will come.
Bring the day!"
Bring the day. If no one brings it, it won't come. Thank you. (See
Yours in peace,
"I have only dreams: to build a better world, a world of harmony
and understanding, a world in which it is a joy to live. This is not
asking for too much." -- Yitzhak Rabin
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Prime Minister Barak has been abandoned by the politicians in his
government on the eve of his important trip to attempt to reach a peace
agreement with the Palestinians.
We must show him that the people of Israel support him in his struggle
for Israel's future.
To Prime Minister Barak,
We support you in your search to bring peace to Israel.
If you agree with this sentence, and you want to support the peace
process, please
1. Copy the text into a new email message.
2. Put your complete name at the end of the list below.
3. Send to everyone you know who wants peace.
(Don't just forward it because then it will end up with rows of >>>'s)
If you are the 30th person to sign, please send the email to Prime
Minister Ehud Barak (barak@pmo.gov.il
and/or pm@pmo.gov.il):
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