Hunger Petition

Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2000 22:29:41 -0400 (EDT)

Dear All,

Mass petitions aren't the most effective way of bringing about change. But they can, at the least, focus attention on an issue and let those in power know your concerns. And in the case of an issue like hunger, such petitions can let those in power know that silence on the problems that affect people with little or no political power -- young children, impoverished families -- is not acceptable.
In this spirit of (as the oft-used but ever relevant saying has it) giving voice to the voiceless, I encourage you to sign an anti-hunger petition that will be presented to the UN Security Council in October 2000. The petition is at; see below for a few more details.
Also, if you haven't come across it from the comprehensive Quick Donations site ( -- an internet site with links to sites where you can make a contribution to a charitable cause that a corporate (or other) sponsor will pay for -- My Small Part ( is a particularly good site in that it allows an unlimited (I think) number of donations to a variety of causes.
Incidently, it is possible (though not necessary) to "join" this site, in which case it will keep track of your free donations. It will also keep track (anonymously, so far as I can tell) of free donations made by people you let know about the site who then proceed to join, if they visit a certain page before signing up, in my case,
Obviously, there is no need for you to use this address if and when you sign up, though I'd appreciate it if you do. I am very curious about the distances we can travel together, and this is one -- though certainly quite narrow -- measure.
Also, a piece of information that the New York Times reported about a week ago (Lawrence K. Altman, U.N. Warning AIDS Imperils Africa's Youth, June 28, 2000) that I think it important for any citizen of our era to be aware of. It is a catastrophic number about HIV/AIDS in Africa. In the worst affected countries, about half of today's 15 year olds are expected to eventually die of AIDS -- even if infection rates fall substantially. If the rates do not fall, more than two-thirds of today's 15-year-olds will likely eventually die of AIDS in the worst affected countries (Botswana, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Zambia). The UNAIDS report on which the article was based is available at A prevention program that could lead to a significant drop in infection rates would cost $2 billion per year; currently, about $300 million per year is being spent. I will have more to say on this...
Thank you.



"I have only dreams: to build a better world, a world of harmony and understanding, a world in which it is a joy to live. This is not asking for too much." -- Yitzhak Rabin

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Sign The Hunger Site Petition, which will be delivered to the United Nations Security Council in October 2000. The petition urges the UN to dedicate more resources to the fight against global hunger. All you have to do is click on the link below to sign up - and don't forget to pass this e-mail along to all of your friends:

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