Rainforests this time
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 22:50:04 -0500 (EST)
Dear All,
There is another Web site (http://rainforest.care2.com/) that I would
like to let you know about, one in the Hunger Site-Cause an Affect-Relieve
Hunger line of free donations. This one is to help the Nature Consevatory
protect rainforests (at present, the organization is focusing on the
Pantanal, a 68,000 square mile wetland that mixes forest and savanna, 80%
of which is in Brazil and the rest of which is in bordering Paraguay and
Perhaps the most immediate effect of rainforest destruction is that
species become extinct. The renowned biologist E.O. Wilson has estimated
that 3 species become extinct every hour -- that's over 27,000 a year.
Other estimates exceed 50,000 per year. The loss of species narrows the
variety of life, a great loss when one considers how precious and
incredible life is, a great loss when one considers that events spanning
billions of years brought a certain form of life into being. And we,
people, are ending these lines of evolution at a rate of several per hour.
Extinction reduces genetic diversity, making it more difficult for the
natural world, the Earth's life system of which we are a part, to adapt to
change. With the plethora of medicines that are a product of this
biodiversity -- 70% of the 3000 plants that the U.S. National Cancer
Institute identified as having potential anti-cancer properties have their
homes in rainforests -- the loss can be very personal and very painful.
Only 1% of known plants and animals have been throughly studied for their
medical properties. (See
The destruction of rainforests is major cause of climate change
(aka global warming, of which more in a future e-mail), probably the most
serious environental threat of the new century, one which will cause and
is already causing rising sea levels (with the potential for sudden and
catestrophic rises), a warmer planet, more extreme weather -- droughts,
storms, floods (might the terrible rains and floods in Mozambique and
southern Africa be at all related to climate change?) -- extinction,
changes in disease patterns, and more. Not only does burning trees
release the main greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide, into the air --
deforestation contributes about 1/4 of the carbon released into the air
each year -- but deforestation eliminates a critically important carbon
dioxide sink. (That is, plants, which use carbon dioxide in
photosynthesis, remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.) (See
And the rainforests are being destroyed very quickly, over 2 acres a
second. That's an area of Poland destroyed every year. (See
Importantly, the Nature Conservatory's rainforest protection is not
restricted to conservation, for conservation alone does not address the
millions of people who very directly depend on the rainforests. The
Nature Conservatory's program (Adopt an Acre) allocates funds to train
local residents as park rangers, develop sustainable methods of resource
use, and more.
The Rainforest ("Race for the Rain Forest") website is at
http://rainforest.care2.com/. Click on the "Save the Rain Forest" button,
and corporate sponsors will make a donation to the Nature Conservatory
(getting, in exchange, publicity and a good name). Each click protects
about 0.0003 acres of rainforest (it varies by the number of sponsors).
This site is slightly different from the Hunger Site etc. in that you
can log-on, and the site will keep track of how many acres you and your
friends have helped to protect. Those of you who enjoy statistics as I do
will like this feature. Along those lines, the way you are recorded as a
person's friend (thereby being included in that person's statistics) is by
signing in the first time using a particular Web address, in my case,
Obviously, there is no need for you to use this address when first you
log on; of course, feel free to use the http://rainforest.care2.com/
address. If you want to use the ...player75233 address, that would be
good too. I am very curious about the distances we can travel together,
and this is one narrow measure. Whatever you like.
Finally, it would be great if you can let other people know about this
site, because as for so many of the challenges that face us, each of
us alone can only do so much, but "United there is little we cannot do"
(JFK). United, we can change the world, transform our world into a better
world, plant the seeds that will enable a world that today exists only in
our dreams to blossom into reality.
Thank you as always for your time,
"I have only dreams: to build a better world, a world of harmony
and understanding, a world in which it is a joy to live. This is not
asking for too much." -- Yitzhak Rabin
Donate food and medicine to the hungry and needy for free:
Relieve Hunger http://www.relievehunger.com/
Cause an Affect http://www.causeanaffect.org/
Back to Better World.